I have worked for a while now with the web ‘Storytelling’ software from Adobe, called Spark. I use Spark for almost everything from weddings to commercial photography. Adobe Spark Pages are a quick and easy way to journal and document my images. It’s also really easy to share Spark content too, simply a case of cutting and pasting a link. I was therefore absolutely thrilled when Adobe asked if they could use my work on their ‘Inspiration Wall’. My work has been there for a while now and amassed over a whopping 30k views. My Adobe Spark Page about Bokeh shows just what can be done with a little bit of know how and some creative thinking.
The project originally began as a college project. I wanted to explain to my students the relationship between aperture and depth of field. I also wanted to show some of the amazing effects that can be created by knowing about this simple relationship. During the lecture I demonstrated the theory using my camera to take shots. It wasn’t until I was sorting out my old images that I discovered the work I produced that day was actually quite interesting. In the image gallery below you can see a selection of the images that appear on the Adobe Spark Page.
Below is a screenshot of the current Adobe wall of inspiration. You can see the Adobe Spark Page project right in the middle. it is titled ‘Bokeh – The Conflict Between Dark and Light’. If you would like to see the full project with a few hints and tips on how to create beautiful bokeh then please visit the Bokeh Spark Page. Here you will see many more bokeh images along with some pointers on how to create them.
The process is really simple and all that is needed is a DSLR camera, some fairy lights and some stiff card to make a heart shaped stencil/gobo. Please watch this space as I will add a ‘how to’ post for those who would like to try their own bokeh project.

Adobe Spark’s Wall of Inspiration
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